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KISR- HQ- Fence
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Life Safty Building, Shadadi University
Grand Maintanance Building, Shadadi University
Exhaust Shaft prject 4 A & 4B, Shadadi University
I- Beam - College of Science, Shadadi University
GRC - Sun Shades, Shadadi University
Bridge - Khiran - I Beam & Parapets
Pumping Station - Al Zoor
Laboratory Building, Pumping Station - Al Zoor
Blending Building, Pumping Station - Al Zoor
Generator Building, Pimping station - Al Zoor
Chemical Building , Pumping Station - Al Zoor
KISR - HQ - Clading
Psicharical Hospital Daily Care - fence.
College for Telecommunication and navigation.
College for Telecommunication and navigation - Cladding
West Central Plant Cladding
College for Water & Electricity
College for Navigation & Telecommunication.
Cardiac Hospital
KISR- HQ- Fence
College of Technology - Maen Campus Building
College of Technology - Administration Building
Kidney Hospital
Kuwait University - Professers Campus
Work Shop Center- Kuwait University
Main Maintenance Building - Kuwait University
Reumatic Hospital
Daily Care Psichatric Hospital
Psichatric Main Hospital
Pedestrian bridge connecting - College for bussiness man & women Campus
Chamber of Commerce
Box Segment Bridge Connecting 6th Ring & Shadadia University
Social Security - Car Park
Office Building - Social Security
Chamber of Commerce
Al Hamra Tower - Car Parking
Al Raya - Car Park
KBC - Car Park
Cultural Center
Behbehani Mootor Pool
Pama - Car Park
Box Hill - College
Box Hilli - Fence
College for Business - Fence
College for Basic Education - Fence
Water Tower - Beams and Column
Bridge - Connecting 6th ring and Shadadia University
Intermediatel School
Subiya Bridge - Motor way
Zakat House
Mosque - 360 Mall
Public Authority for Housing HQ
Ramada Hotel
Cafeteria & Laboratary - Kuwait University
Melam - Dewaniya
Intermediatel School - Boys
Motor way - Bridge - Subiya
Box - Section -'U" Turn Bridge "7"ring road
Scientific Center Internal Elevation
Scientific Center Marine Side
Bench - Marina Side - Sceintific center
Scientific Center Street Side
Marine Port
Marine Port
Sceintific Center Main Entrance
Scientific Center Side Entrance
Training Center Air Force
Minaret - Mosque - Marina Mall
Marina Tower
Marina Hotel
Sarah Complex
Marina Mall - Creasent Sea Side
Tahir Complex
Moaque - Marina Mall
Al Riya Billingual School- GRC
Marina Mall - Inlend
Marina Mall - Cresent
Marina Mall - Sea Side
Training Center Air Force
Blending Building- Pumping Station - Mina Abdaly
Guard Building- Pumping Station - Mina Abdaly
Major Mosque- Wafra
Social Security Building - Wafra Area
Grand Mosque - Wafra
Social Center
Major Mosque - Wafra Area
Building - Wafra Area- Library
Imam House Major Mosque
Super Market - Wafra Area
Social development center - Wafra Area
Substation- Wafra Area
Behbehabi - Motr Pool Building
Adan Hospital
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